Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained

1999 Certificate of PEP Consultant (Personal Employability Program; StrongWeak Analysis), B&A Group, Amstelveen.
1994 PhD. in Social Sciences, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
The thesis De Vitaliteit van het Turks in Nederland (The Vitality of Turkish in
the Netherlands) shows the important role of language in the identity
formation and development of, especially, Turks living abroad and how they
obtain equalization between themselves and the native group of the society
they live in. Additionally, it shows the added value of the wide spread Turkish
languages with millions of speakers in regard to economy and communication.
1992 Fulbright scholarship researching the Added Value of Multilingualism in
the USA and Canada.
1991 Sworn translator and interpreter Dutch -Turkish and vice versa; registered
at Court of Law Noordsingel, Rotterdam
1989 Master in Management and Strategic Planning (Diversity and Management), Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
1975 Bachelor in Mathematics; Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.