03/2020 Head of the Department Communication Sciences, Communication
Faculty, Cukurova University.
02/2020 Prof. Dr. Intercultural Communication, Communication Faculty,
Cukurova University.
Topics of teaching and research are Intercultural Communication and Super
Diversity in the context of Migation and Globalization, Identity Development
and Organizational Communication.
2019 Research Fellow VUB, Free University Brussels.
2018 Director KIM, Centre for Intercultural Communiction Studies, CU.
2018 Member of the Cukurova University Internationalization Board
2018 Member of the Cukurova University Accreditation Board.
2017 With the support of the Taalunie (the Netherlands Language Union), teacher
of the elective course ‘Dutch and Intercultural Communication’ at the
Cukurova University.
1991 Sworn Translator and Interpreter (Dutch – Turkisch and vice versa) for
Courts of Law, Notaries, Advocacy and Insurance Companies.