Özgüzel, S., S. Hasirci, Early Intervention to Further Migrant Children’s
Success in Turkish Education: The Example of the Netherlands, Revista, San
Gregoria, Vol.36, pp.363-374, 2019.

Özgüzel S., Bozkurt F., Türklerde Yaşam Tarzı Olarak Göç Olgusu: ‘Göç
Yolda Düzelir’ (Migration of Turks as a Lifestyle:
‘The Caravan Organises Itself on the Road’) Folklor/Edebiyat, Cilt.25, ss.815-
824, 2019.

Özgüzel S., Syrian Immigrants in Turkey: Services, Satisfaction and
Suggestions for Policy-Making, Revista San Gregoria, Vol.36, pp.403-416,

Özgüzel, S., S. Hasirci, The Importance of Sports in Integrating Refugees into
Germany, International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, Vol.8, No.2,
pp.2-7, 2019.

Özgüzel S., Suriyeli Göçmenlerin Entegrasyonunda Eğitim ve Kültürlerarasi
İletişimin Önemi; Hollanda Örneğinden Çikarilacak Dersler’ (The
Importance of Education and Intercultural Communication considering the
Integration of Syrian Migrants: Lessons drawn from Examples in The
Netherlands), e Kurgu Anadolu Üniversitesi, Vol.27, No.2, pp.236-246, 2019,

Özgüzel S., Ed., International Migration and Mobility: Challenges of
Multicultural Societies in a Globalizing World, Eyuder Yayınevi, 2019,


Özgüzel S., K.U. Bilgin, Mobility and Solutions for Intercultural
Communication Disorders: the Case of Syrian Refugees in Hatay,
(Presentation), Colloque International T&R5 Theories and Realities in
Translating and Writing 5, 31 May-1 June 2018, Antwerp.

Özgüzel S., 21 Yüzyılın Akademik Eğitim Konsepti ve Üniversitelerin Rolü
(Academic Education Concept of the 21th. Century and the Role of
Universities) (Presentation and Publication), 9. Uluslarası Eğitim Yonetimi
Forumu, 01-04 November 2018, Antalya.

Özgüzel S., et.al. Orta Öğretimde Suriyeli Göçmen Çocuklarına verilen
Eğitimde karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri (Education Problems of
Syrian Migrant Children in Secondary Education and Proposals for Solutions),
9. Uluslarasi Egitim Yonetimi Forumu, 01-04 November 2018, Antalya.


Özgüzel S., For Life Long Success: the Importance of Family Communication.
In: Current Approaches in Social Science, Nezihe Tüfekçi, Eds., Lambert
Academic Aural Releases Publishing Ltd. , pp.129-141, 2017, Ankara.

Özgüzel S., Geçmişten Günümüze Hollanda Eğitim Sisteminde Türk Kökenli
Göçmen Çocuklarına Yönelik İki Dilli Okul Öncesi Eğitim Uygulamaları, Ein
Kind – Zwei Sprachen: Curriculare Überlegungen zur Ausbildung von
Erziehern für deutsch-türkische Kitas/Bir Çocuk – İki Dil: Türk-Alman
Kreşlere Öğretmen Yetiştirmeye Yönelik Müfredat Çalışmaları, AKVAM ve
Heidelberger Zentrum für Migrationsforschung und Transkulturelle
Paedagogik, pp.54-67, 2017, Antalya.

Özgüzel S., Küreselleşmeyle Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Yeni Boyutlar-Yaşam
Boyu Öğrenmenin Önemi, Eyfor 8. Uluslararası Eğitim Yönetimi Forumu
(Eyfor 8. International Conference for Education Management), pp. 371-385,
2017, Ankara.

Özgüzel S., Mültecilerin Uyumu Sorununda Yerel Yönetimler-Hollanda
Örneğinden Alınacak Dersler’, KAYSEM 11, pp.1260-1279, 2017, Elazığ.

Özgüzel S., K.U. Bilgin, Türk Kooperatif Yönetim Performansına Etkisi
Açısından Toplumsal İletişim Ağı Kooperatifçilikçe Hollanda Örneği, Sosyal
Ekonomik Ağları: Küresel Değişim İçin İşbirliği, vol.52, pp.811-835,
Nevşehir, 2017.

Özgüzel, S., V.E. Çetintürk, Think Thanks and NGOs: Turkey and the
Nederlands. In: International Conference of Strategic Research in Social
Science and Education, ICoSReSSE, Abstracts Book, p. 166, 2017, Prague.


Özgüzel S., Hollanda’da Eğitimin Misyonu ve Denetleme (Teftiş) Kurulu’nun
Eğitimin Kalitesine Katkısı (The Mission of Education and Educational
Supervision in the Netherlands) , VIII. Uluslararası Eğitim Denetimi
Kongresi/ International Congress of Educational Supervision, TEM-SEN and
Istanbul University, 2016, Antalya.

Özgüzel S., Hollanda’da Ulusal Ombudsmanlık Kurumu (Ombudsman in The
Netherlands). In: Karşılaştırmalı Ombudsman İncelemeleri: Dünyanın Altı
Kıtasında Ülke Ombudsmanlarının Yapısal-Kurumsal ve İşlevsel Açılardan
Analizi (A Comparison and Analyses of Practices in 6 Countries) Prof. Dr.
Bekir Parlak, Yrd. Doç. Dr. Kadir Caner Doğan, Seçkin Yayıncılık, , pp. 53-
74, ISBN 973-975-02-4054-6, 2016, Ankara.

Özgüzel S., Think Tanks and NGOs in Turkey and The Netherlands; A
Comparative Perspective (Paper), Why Think Tanks Matter: Emerging Policy
Issues and Policymaking Actors, Süleyman Demirel University with TTCSP at
the Lauder Institute of the University of Pennsylvania; 27 January 2016,

Özgüzel S., V.E. Çetintürk, Türkiye’de Göçmen Çocuklarına Yönelik İvedi
Eğitim ve Uyum Politika Önerileri, EYFOR VII (EYUDER) ve Lefke Avrupa
Üniversitesi, Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 227-238, ISBN 978-605-64247-2-4, 2016,

Özgüzel S., V.E. Çetintürk, Türkiye’deki Göçmen Çocuklarının Topluma
Kazandırılması İçin Hollanda’nın Deneyimlerinden Alınabilecek Dersler,
‘Göç, Yoksulluk ve İstihdam’/2nd International Congress on Applied Sciences
“Migration, Poverty & Employment, Bildiriler Kitabı pp. 555-565, ISBN 978-
605-4988-04-4, 2016, Konya.
Özgüzel S., S. Taş, O.N. Demirel, İletişimde Kültür ve Kimliğin Etkisi (The
Influence of Culture and Identity on Communication), ICMS – International
Congress on Media Studies 2016/2. /New Media and Visual Culture
(Presentation and Article), pp. 602-610, ISBN 978-605-4483-29-7, 2016,


Özgüzel S., Tekinay D., Investment in Human Capital in ‘The Global Village’
and how it Should be Managed, The IRES Institute of Research Engineers and
Scientists International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences,
Proceedings of The IRES 21st International Conference (ICESS), pp. 61-66,
ISBN 978-93-85832-79-6, 2015, Amsterdam.

Özgüzel S., S.M. de Rooij, Çağdaş Toplum ve Dünya Bireyliğine Hazırlama
Politikası (Preparatory Policy on the Modern Society and World Citizenship
within the Dutch Education System) , EYFOR VI. (EYUDER) ve Uluslararası
Kıbrıs Üniversitesi (UKÜ), Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 21-31, Girne, 2015.
(Presentation and Publication), Education Management Forum (EYFOR VI.)
International University of Cyprus., 5-7 November 2015, Girne.

Özgüzel, S., Gelecek Kuşaklarda İletişim Sanatı ve İnsan Sermayesi
(Communication Art of Future Generations and Human Capital),
II.Yükseköğretim Stratejileri Ve Kurumsal İşbirliği Sempozyumu (YOSKIS
2015), pp.229-236 (YOKSİS 2015 II.), (Presentation and Publication), Mersin
University, 22-24 October 2015, Mersin.

Bilgin, K.U., S. Özgüzel, S.M. de Rooij, Hollanda (Atanmış) – Türkiye
(Seçilmiş) Güçlü Belediyeciliğin Yerel Hizmetlerde Halkla İlişkiler Etkisi
(Rotterdam-Ankara) (The Influence of Public Relations in Local Services
within strong Municipality Leaderships; a Comparison between Rotterdam,
(attained) and Ankara, (elected), Yerelleşme / Merkezileşme Tartışmaları,
(KAYSEM 9), TODAİE, Bildiriler Kitabı pp. 508-519, ISBN 978-975-8918-
69-0, (Presentation and Publication) İnönü University, 5-9 May 2015,


Özgüzel S., Symposium of EU funds; Municipality of Bucharest; The Secrets
of Success in the International Cooperation of Entrepreneurs; Intercultural
Relations (Presentation and Publication), 26 November 2014, Bucharest.

Özgüzel S., De Rooij S.M.,Kültürün Kimliğe Etkisi – Evrensel Değerler ve
Dünya Bireyi: 21. Yüzyıl Penceresinden Kültür ve Kimlik, (The Influence of
Culture on Identity – Universal Standards and Values and World Citizenship
in the 21st century),International Multidisciplinary Symposium (Presentation
and Publication), pp. 298-308, ISBN 978-9952-20-106-2, 2014, Baku.

Özgüzel S., S. Taş, S.M. de Rooij, İletişimde Sanal Bahar: Birey ve Uluslara
Etkisi, ITICAM 2014 International Trends and Issues in Communication &
Media Conference, United Arab Emirates, pp.381-384, Dubai, 2014 (The
Digital Spring in Communication, (Presentation and Publication), 5-7
February, 2014, Dubai.


Özgüzel S., Identiteitsontwikkeling en de Invloed van Cultuur op
Communicatie (Identity Development and the Influence of Culture on
Communication) Identiteit, Professionals bekennen kleur, Netherlands
Institute of Psychologists (NIP), (Article) pp.142-148, 2013, Amsterdam.

Özgüzel S., S. Taş, S.M. de Rooij, Avrupa Birliğinde Kamu Yönetimi:
Hollanda Örneği ve Alınacak Dersler: Çok Kültürlülük ve Büyüme Kaynaklı
Kamu Yönetimi İletişim Sanatı (Public Administration in the EU: the
Netherlands as Example: What can we learn or which lessons should be
drawn?), XI. KAYFOR- Bildiriler Kitabı, TODAİE, pp. 350-370, ISBN 978-
975-8918-62-1, (Presentation and Publication) 19 May University, 2013,

Özgüzel S., The Importance of Intercultural Communication and the
Phenomenon of the Multicultural Society in Western Europe. (Article)
Education and Society in the 21th. Century. The Journal of Education Science
and Social Research, No. 4, 2013, Ankara.

Özgüzel, S., Strategies, Methods and Applications of Universities in the EU
Adaption Process: The Integration of Turks in Multicultural Societies’.
(Presentation and Publication), 10 May, Akdeniz University, European Union
Research Centre ,2013, Antalya.


Özgüzel S, Her Şey Dahil’e Güçlü Alternatif: Misafirperverli (A Strong
Alternative for All-Inclusive Tourism: Hospitality (Uluslararası Turizm
Konferansı, pp.11-17, (Presentation and Publication), Akdeniz University, 2
February 2012, Antalya.


Özgüzel S., Avrupa’da Büyüyen Türklerin Kimlik Sorunları Ve Kimlik
Arayışında Türkçe Öğretimi (Identity Conflicts of Turkish Youngsters in
Europe and the Teaching of Turkish in the Search for Identity), Hamburg
University, Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit, 2011, Hamburg.


Özgüzel S., Turkish Grammar Education (Article), Folklore and Literature,


Özgüzel S,. Terugdringen Achterstanden: de Bevordering van Onderwijs
Ondersteunend Gedrag (Reducing the Educational Backlog and the
Strenghtening of Parents’ Educational Support), Rotterdam.


Özgüzel S., Kernkwaliteiten en Veilig Ondernemerschap (Core qualities and
Secure Entrepreneurship), (Research report), Ministry of Welfare and
Employment (SOZAWE); The Hague.


Özgüzel S. et.al., Diversiteit en Management (Diversity and
Management),(Teaching module) Rotterdam Municipality ‘Veelkleurige
Stad’, Rotterdam.

Özgüzel S., Ondernemerschap in een Veranderende Omgeving
(Entrepreneurship within an Altering Environment); HillegersbergSchiebroek Municipality), (Research report), 2002, Rotterdam


Özgüzel S., The Vitality of Turkish. In: ‘the Other Languages’ (chapter)
p.238, 239, 240; Multilingual Matters, Canada and Australia.


Özgüzel S., Vergelijking tussen Allochtoon en Autochtoon MKB in de
Deelgemeente Noord Rotterdam (Comparison between migrant and native
small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the Rotterdam Noord
Municipality, (Research report).


Özgüzel S., How Policy on (ethnic) Community Language Teaching is
Implemented in Dutch Schools (Presentation), Berlin Metropol, Berlin,

Özgüzel S., Profiel Allochtoon MKB: een aanzet tot kwaliteitsverbetering
(Profile of Migrant Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME): an attempt
to quality improvement), (Research report), Rotterdam-Noord Municipality.

Özgüzel S., Profiel Autochtoon MKB (Profile of Native Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (SME) : an attempt to quality improvement), (Research
report), Rotterdam-Noord Municipality.


Özgüzel S., Grenzenloze Samenleving en de Wereldburger (Borderless
Society and the World Citizen (Article) In: VVO-Magazine; Educational
Challange in the 21e Century, 1998, Utrecht.


Özgüzel S., et.al., Examenprogramma Arabisch en Turks voor het VO (Exam
Programme Turkish and Arabic in Secondary Education (MAVO, HAVO,
VWO), 1997, Zoetermeer.

Özgüzel S.., Minority Language, Culture Teaching and Intercultural
Education (Article), Chalkfacenr.5 and Euro Arabic Dialogue, Ead-reeks
nr.1,1997, Oejda.

Özgüzel S., Nieuwe Schooltalen in Nederland (New School Languages in the
Netherlands) (Article) In: Levende Talen (Modern Languages), no. 523, 1997,


Özgüzel S., Behoefte Samenwerking Allochtoon – Autochtoon MKB (The
Need for Cooperation between Migrant and Native SME’s and the Economic
Surplus of their Cooperation), (Research report) SSNT, 1996, Rotterdam


Özgüzel S., The added Value of a Multicultural Society and the Value of its
Education (Article), AVS, Dutch Association of School managers, 1995,

Özgüzel S., Voorkennis mag heerlijk meetellen! (Prior knowledge counts!)
(Article). In: Levende Talen (Modern Languages), 1995, Amersfoort.

Özgüzel S., Keuzevak Migranten en Maatschappij (Development of Choice of
Electives on Migrants and Society, Intercultural Education) (Teaching
module), Leiden University, 1995, Leiden.


Özgüzel S., Karavan Sakinleri ve Cingenelerin Egitim Durumlari (The
Education Position of Caravan People and Gypsies). (Article) In: The Sociocultural structures of the Turkish tribes, Turkish Republic – Ministry of
Culture, Ankara.

C. Verbeek, J. Kloprogge, H. Dekker, S. Özgüzel en P. Span:
Schoolloopbaanmanagement en begeleiding van speciale groepen. In:
Management en Begeleiding van Schoolloopbanen (School Career
Management and the Counselling of Migrants in the Dutch Education
System), Open University, 1994, Heerlen.

Özgüzel S., De Vitaliteit van het Turks in Nederland (The Vitality of Turkish
in The Netherlands), PhD Thesis, Tilburg University, 1994, Tilburg.
Özgüzel S., Research on ‘the Growth of Arabic and Turkish Courses in
Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Ministerie
OCenW), 1994, Zoetermeer.


Özgüzel S. et.al., De Participatie van Migranten in het Hoger Onderwijs (The
Participation of Migrants in Higher Education), Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science (Ministerie OCenW), 1993, Zoetermeer.


Özgüzel S., Research report on the Added Value of Multilingualism, USA
and Canada, Fulbright scholarship, Ministry of Education, Culture and
Science (Ministerie OCenW), 1992, Zoetermeer.


Özgüzel S., et.al. ‘De Besteding van CuMi-faciliteiten in het Onderwijs’ (The
Use of Financial Facilities for Migrant Students), Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science (OCenW), 1991, Zoetermeer.

Özgüzel S., et.al., Drop-outs, Zakken en Doubleren (Drop-outs: Repeat
classes, Fail courses or Deserting School without Obtaining a Degree),
Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCenW). 1991, Zoetermeer.

Özgüzel S., et.al., NT2 in de Lerarenopleidingen (Dutch as a Second
Language in Teachers’ Education), Ministry of Education, Culture and
Science (OCenW), 1991,. Zoetermeer.


Özgüzel S., et.al., Onderwijs in Eigen Taal (OET) (Mother Tongue
Education), Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCenW).1988,


Özgüzel S., et.al., De Status van het Turks in het Voortgezet Onderwijs (The
Status of Turkish in Secondary Education), Ministry of Education, Culture
and Science (OCenW).1987, Zoetermeer


Özgüzel S., et.al., Contact met Ouders (Contact with Parents) (Book), ,
Katholiek Pedagogisch Centrum in samenwerking met Vereniging voor
Landelijke Pedagogische Centra, 1984, ’s-Hertogenbosch.

Link: https://aves.cu.edu.tr/sozguzel/projeler