02/2020 – Present Prof. Dr. Intercultural Communication, Communication Faculty,
Cukurova University
2017 – 02/2020 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Intercultural Communication, Communication Faculty,
Cukurova University, Adana.
2014 – 2017 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Intercultural Communication at the Social Sciences
Vocational High School (SBMYO), Akdeniz University, Antalya.

Teacher Dutch and Intercultural Communication. With the support of the
Taalunie (Netherlands Language Union), the elective course ‘Dutch and
Intercultural Communication’ has been organized for students of SBMYO and
several faculties.

2010 – 2014 Assist. Prof. Communication Studies at the Social Sciences Vocational High
School (SBMYO), Akdeniz University, Antalya.
2008 – 2013 Vice president and member of the Advisory Commission of the ‘Bureau for
Sworn Interpreters and Translators’ (Bureau BTV) responsible for the
European accreditation of Dutch sworn translators and interpreters.
1998 – 2010 Consultant, Lecturer, Trainer, Entrepreneur and Manager of Cross
Cultural Solutions Consultancy (CCS) and SSNT-Multicultureel Netwerk
Management, Rotterdam. Its mission is to find solutions for problems rooted
in cultural conflicts and disagreements, with activities in the field of education
and regional and local policy making. In addition, courses in the following
topics were organized: general consultancy, empowerment, action research of
small businesses and entrepreneurship in an altering (multicultural)
environment. Subsequently, SSNT-CCS organized study fields on the
development and implementation of methods in schools to decrease and stop
the rising number of drop-outs in order to increase the participation of migrant
students. SSNT-CCS also organized courses intercultural communication and
diversity management for entrepreneurs and high-level personnel.
2001 – 2005 Head of Kernteam Kwaliteitstoetsen Tolken en Vertalen, the national
Dutch Examination Board for Translation and Interpretation,
department Dutch-Turkish aiming to provide standardized accreditation
services to translators and interpreters.
1996 – 2007 Member of Teleac-NOT Educom, the Program Committee for Youth of the
Dutch National Education broadcaster. The broadcaster is active in studies on
the optimization of the Program Committee’s visual education in
reaching/addressing The Netherlands’ multicultural society.
1996 – 1998 Inspector of Higher Education and Universities, Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science, (OCenW), participated in meta-studies on the ‘schools
of Higher Education for Teacher Education’ and its newly graduates, more
specific, on how the newly graduates can provide more productive training to
multicultural classes. Also a report was edited on how to optimize the
consulting of foreign students, which, generally, had been proved to be
insufficient. The chapter: ‘How to consult migrant students in the best
possible way?’ was written on request of the Open University of Heerlen and
is still being used as a course book.
1986 – 1996 Inspector for Special Services and Staff Inspector for the ‘Ministry of
Education, Culture and Science’ (OCenW) responsible for Intercultural
Education, Social Innovation and Education in Foreign Modern Languages
(OALT). Member of the Netherlands Committee for Cultural Treaties. Areas
of responsibility: Mother Tongue Education, Intercultural Education,
preparation of education programs in the Netherlands for multilingual and
multicultural populations and socio-economic deprived urban areas.

Head of the Examination Board for Turkish and Arabic elective courses
in Secondary Schools, Ministerie van OCenW, Zoetermeer.

Chairman of Inter-categorical and Inspectoral Coordination Commission
(IICC – ICO/OVB, Ministerie van OCenW): Researching the appropriate
spending of finances preventing migrant students’ deprivation of appropriate

Permanent Representative of the Netherlands Education Commission;
contributing to the cultural agreement between the Netherlands, Turkey and
the origin countries of migrant employees; Advisor inter-ministerial
projects between the Ministry of Welfare and the Ministry of Social
Affairs and Employment.

1983 – 1985 Deputy General Manager of GDAS Gemeentelijke Dag- en Avondschool,
The Hague School for Adult Education, preparing (migrant) adults for
vocational education and higher educated migrant adults for university
1981 – 1984 Teacher in Intercultural Communication and Trainer ‘Education for
Minority Children in Primary and Secondary Schools’ for teachers, KPC
Groep, the Netherlands National Pedagogical Center, ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
1981 – 1983 Coordinator (part-time) of Dutch Language courses for adult migrants at the
Education Directorate of Rotterdam.
1981 – 1983 Teacher in Mathematics (part-time) and Coordinator for non-native
speakers, 4th SG Groot Charlois, Technical Vocational School of Rotterdam,
1980 – 1981 Coordinator of Educatief Centrum Migranten, Education Centre for Adult
Migrants, Rotterdam
1976 – 1978 Lecturer in Mathematics, Education Faculty of the Çukurova University,

Public Relations:

Courses on Communication (General communication – Inter-individual and organizational Communication – Media and Communication)
Courses on research methods and Public relations introduction courses.
 (2015) 2-monthly modular course on Human Resources Management Education regarding to in-house communication and Motivation and rising Performance organized for the staff of the Ministry of Finance.
(2015) 1- monthly modular course on Body Language and Interpreting Facial Expressions organized for the staff of the Ministry of Finance.

Intercultural Projects:

Project ‘Taalbrug’ in cooperation with KU Leuven, Thomas More: ‘ Language analysis in cooperation with interpreters’; 2015.06.17-2015.12.22), www.taalbrug.be
Dutch and Intercultural Communication: With the support of the Dutch Language Union, the elective course ‘Dutch and Intercultural Communication’ is organized for students of the Faculties of Tourism, Agriculture, Communication and Civil Aviation in order to increase their chances on the labor market. (18 June 2014 and 2 June 2015 certificates were granted.
Erasmus + (plus): within the frame of the Erasmus Plus program, courses on intercultural communication, have been enhanced for exchange students and exchange students to be.
The cooperative studies on student exchange with Kenwerk, Endurance organisations and the Mondriaan (the representatives of the Netherlands in Brussels) were finalized to be put to use.
In cooperation with the department of Journalism of the Utrecht University a project was set up on the participation of lecturers and students with regard to journalism.
2008 – 2013 Vice president and member of the Advisory Commission of the ‘Bureau for Sworn Interpreters and Translators’ (Bureau BTV)responsible for the quality control of the sworn translators and Interpreters within the EU.
1998 – 2010 Consultant, Lecturer, trainer, Entrepreneur and manager of Cross Cultural Solutions Consultancy (CCS) and SSNT-Multicultureel Netwerk Management, Rotterdam. Their aim is to find a solution to problems resolving from cultural conflicts and disagreements with activities in the field of education ((regional) government, primary, secondary and vocational schools) and employment for NGO’s. In addition, courses in the following topics were organized: general consultancy, empowerment to improve people’s participation, action research of small businesses, profile and vitality and entrepreneurship within multicultural environment.
Subsequently, SSNT-CCS organized study fields on the development and implementation of methods in schools to decrease and stop the rising number of drop-outs in order to increase the participation of minority youth.
SSNT-CCS also organized courses on intercultural communication and diversity management for entrepreneurs and high-level personnel.
2001 – 2005 Head of the Turkish – Dutch Examination Board for Translation and Interpretation; Core team quality tests for Interpretation and Translation, (‘Kernteam KwaliteitstoetsenTolken en Vertalen’). Their aim is to provide standardized quality services to translators and interpreters.
1996 – 2007 Member of the Program Committee for Youth, Teleac-NOT (Educom); the Dutch National Education broadcaster. The broadcaster is active in studies on the optimization of the Program Committee’s visual education in reaching/addressing The Netherlands’ multicultural society.
1996 – 1998 Inspector of Higher Education and Universities (Ministry of Education, culture and Science – OCenW), participated in meta-studies on the ‘schools of Higher Education for Teacher Education’ and its newly graduates, more specific, on how the newly graduates can provide more productive training to multicultural classes. Also a report was edited on how to optimize the consulting of foreign students, which, generally, had been proved to be insufficient.
The chapter: “How to consult migrant students in the best possible way?” What is consultancy?” was written on request of the Open University of Heerlen and is still being used as a course book.
1986 – 1996 Inspector for Special Services and Staff Inspector for the ‘Ministry of Education, Culture and Science’ (OCenW) responsible for tasks in the field of Intercultural Education, Social Innovation and Education in Foreign Modern Languages (OALT). Member of the Dutch Committee for Cultural Treaties.
Areas of responsibility: Mother tongue education, multicultural education, preparation of educational programs in the Netherlands for multilingual and multicultural populations and socio-economic deprived urban areas.
  Head of the Examination Board for Turkish as an elective course in Secondary Schools, The Netherlands.

Chairman of Inter-categorical and Inspectoral Coordination

  Commission (IICC – ICO/OVB, Ministerie van OCenW): The research field of the commission is the primary and secondary schools where Turkish is being taught. It is stated that it is necessary for the facilities provided by the ministry to prevent migrant student to lag behind for migrant students to be put in better use and to ensure the money will be spent for the right purposes.
Permanent Representative of the Dutch Education Commission; contribution to the cultural agreement between the Netherlands, Turkey and the origin countries of migrant employees; Advisor in inter ministerial projects with the Ministry of Welfare and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
1983 – 1985 Deputy General Manager of The Hague School for Adult Education,  (Conrector, GDAS; de Gemeentelijke Dag- en Avond School te ’s-Gravenhage). The main tasks were preparing (migrant) adults for vocational education and highly educated migrant adults for university education.
1981 – 1984 Teacher in intercultural communication and trainer in ‘education for minority children in primary and secondary schools’ for Dutch teachers, the Dutch National Pedagogical Center (KPC Groep).
1981 – 1983 Coordinator of Dutch courses to adults of foreign origins at the Education Directorate of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
1981 – 1983 Teacher in Mathematics, 4thTecnical school of Rotterdam (SG Groot Charlois) and coordinator for non-native speakers, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
1980 – 1981 Coordinator of Education Centre for Adult Migrants, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
1976-1978 Teacher in Mathematics at the Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey.

Administrative and advisory positions

2019 – Present Member Advisory Board Il Goc Kurulu Adana, Regional Migration
Council Adana
2009 – 2016 Member Advisory Commission Bureau BTV, Bureau for Sworn
Interpreters and Translators, ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
1999 – 2005 Board President Kenniscentrum Sociaal Investeren (KSI), a Think Tank
for Social Innovation, Rotterdam.
2002 – 2006 Co-president and co-founder Duurzaam Nederland, political party for
sustainable Netherlands.
2000 – 2004 Board President MORE, a multicultural union of small businesses in
Rotterdam city and region, Rotterdam
1999 – 2002 Board President H-TAY, an association founded by the Turkish community
in the Netherlands aiming the support of the earthquake victims in Adapazari
in 1999, Rotterdam.
1990 – 2000 Board President Radio Zafer Zuid-Holland and Zeeland, The Netherlands.
1995 – 2000 President and Member of the Senior Board of Directors of VLLT, the
Organization for Living Languages and founder and director of the
Department Turkish – Arabic, VLLT, Amersfoort.
1997 – 1999 Member of the Directory Board of Stichting Averroes, Utrecht. This
foundation aimed the stimulation of early childhood education for migrant
children and the support of migrant mothers of toddlers during their transition
from Kindergarten to Primary Education
1996 – 1999 Deputy General Manager ROC Haaglanden, The Hague School for Adult
Education, The Hague.
1996 – 1999 Member Advisory Board for Philosophy of Life of the Vereniging NBLC,
Netherlands Association of Public Libraries, The Hague.
1994 – 1999 Member Projectgroep Intercultureel Onderwijs (ICO), the interministerial project group for Intercultural Education, Zoetermeer.
1993 – 1999 Ombudsman Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, charged with
questions related to Exclusion and Intercultural Conflicts, Zoetermeer.
1989 – 1998 President Examenprogramma Commissie Arabisch-Turks, Examination
Board for Turkish and Arabic as an elective school subject in Secondary
Education, Zoetermeer.
1993 – 1997 Member Klankbordgroep, the inter-ministerial Advisory Board for
Employment of personnel of migrant origin. Their aim is to facilitate citizens
of migrant origin to be assigned within different ministries and to secure their
professional position, The Hague.
1990 – 1997 Board President Volksuniversiteit Den Haag, Community Education
Center, The Hague.
1990 – 1997 Board President Cultureel Trefcentrum, Cultural Center, The Hague.
1986 – 1995 Member Interdepartementale Projectgroep Sociale Vernieuwing, interministerial Social Innovation Project Group, Zoetermeer.
1986 – 1991 President Intercategorale Inspectorale Coördinatiecommissie
Intercultureel Onderwijs en Onderwijsvoorrangsbeleid (IICC –
ICO/OVB), inter categorical and Inspectoral Coordination Commission of
Intercultural Education and Educational Priority Policy Zoetermeer.
1984 – 1987 Board President Studiecentrum Culturele Minderheden, Study Center for
Cultural Minorities, The Hague.
1982 – 1984 Board President ‘Witte Duif’ journal, Rotterdam. The journal objected to
encourage migrant youngsters’ social participation.
  • Publications in different newspapers, magazines, books and columnist for different bilingual magazines.
  • Presentations (internationally) on radio, TV, congresses and conferences.
  • Conferences on international education in countries such as Germany, Belgium and the Balkan countries, within the scope of the Fulbright scholarship.